Dear Friends,
I am so grateful for you. You consistently open and read my weekly missives and many of you send me appreciative feedback. It means more to me than you know. I have spent a decade navigating this incredibly noisy media environment trying to reach a wide audience. Five years of that was trying to get an online television show/podcast to take off (that was quite a production!), with very marginal success. I know, I know: I must “have a face for radio.” You know what I’ve learned?
To stop chasing a bigger audience and just write for the one I have. Maybe it is analogous to the Apostle Paul’s, “I have learned contentment.” I love writing for you and want to continue doing so for the rest of my life. If the Lord grows this audience, which I consider my circle of friends, I will be delighted. But—I mean this—with you, I feel like I’ve already got it made.
However, after two years the time has come to scale things up a bit. That means writing more, and offering more types of content. Sometimes I feel like I have a half a dozen things to say, and when Friday comes around I’ve only really got space for one. Other times I will have some random, light-hearted observations that just don’t mesh with a particularly sobering and serious newsletter. I need more outlets. More pithy and punchy Quarter Inches, another forum for writing about books I’m reading, another with more in-depth theological commentary, and maybe even more will occur to me.
To help make that happen, I am introducing a paid subscription option.
I have avoided this for a long time because I have mixed feelings about it. We have moved beyond the package-deal world of cable “bundles.” It seems that every single piece of media we consume wants their own independent subscription, and I know it can be irritating. We all celebrated when we could “cut the cord” and stop paying $120 a month for a cable package that had 300 channels we don’t want, but we have now discovered that if you want to watch or read only what you want, you’re still going to pay!
So let me break it down simply:
You can stay a free subscriber and you will continue to receive The Square Inch on Fridays. No need to do anything.
I will provide you with plenty more to read and think about while you sip your latte at the coffee shop in exchange for…a latte.
That’s it. That’s the deal. $5 a month for The Square Inch, The Quarter Inch, the new Off the Bookshelf feature, and probably more. You can opt out of receiving any of these other newsletters any time so as to not get bored with me. How’s that for a post “package deal” concession?
Oh, and if you decide that this would be worthwhile, you can receive a discount if you buy an annual subscription ($50 per year/$10 dollars off).
Oh, and one more thing. If you are a Super Fan (if I have any besides my Mom), you have the option of becoming what Substack calls a “Founding Member.” That’s basically a lifetime subscription for the price of five years: $250.
Lastly, the only way anybody learns about the existence of this newsletter (especially after my Twitter ban) is if you share it with others. Please do.
Thank you so much for your support! Again, you will continue to receive The Square Inch every Friday for free. But if you would like to upgrade to a paid subscription, just click on the button below.