RPW! I belong to a denomination that sings only Psalms and a cappella. Now some do so humbly and graciously, but others think going to a non Psalm singing church while on vacation is sinful. And the same denomination is about to discuss (cordially? or not perhaps) women deacons.

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Oh yes! I’ve been the rounds... I was in the Free Church of Scotland for a time. :)

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When I departed a Presbyterian congregation for an Anglican one, not out of any disgruntlement but mainly because we were moving and I felt my family needed more liturgy where we were going, my beloved pastor pointed out to me that I was going to be beholden to "Primates". That gave him, and me, a chuckle.

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We have follows similar paths of moderating.

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I can do ad orientum and incense, if you'd like....

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Yeah, as an alternative, we could ... not. 🤣

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You ole papistic compromiser, you. Great article.

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I liked all you wrote, Brian. I liked you when you were young too. :)

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