Consider this...

Next time you skewer Christian nationalism, try instead to imagine people who aren't necessary itching to force the woke kneel, but merely want them to stop making the good folks kneel.

No tit for that, no mimetic rivalry, just the rule of law. Liberalism.

If classical liberalism is as fit as you claim, it should have the resources to accomplish that.

If we learned anything from the civil rights struggle, it's that folks shouldn't have to be put in that position in the first place.

Walking and chewing gum. No false dichotomies.

I realize in the Trump era that's hard.

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"Where was I? Oh, yes. Do your deacons have a dedicated fund—and does it have money in it—to financially support church members who get fired for “creating a hostile work environment” by angering their LGBTQ colleagues by not showing up to their office-wide Pride party? Or fired for calling someone by their proper pronouns?"

I am going to ask them.

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Thank you Dr Brian. I appreciate your wise words each week. All the talk about the new "MetaVerse" and the concerns around Big Tech, Twitter, Tik Tok and others I do not even know of yet.... so much noise.

Yet in my mailbox each week is your still, small, bouncy, often excited, always wise voice. That's good enough for me and worth more than gold. Thank you.

Here in New Zealand, we are wrestling with learning how to be kind. We have a Prime Minister, Jacinda, who is tough as nails yet can weep with the broken. That's very rare among politicians. On a street In Norway in 2018, an American tourist asked me how she could swap President Trump for our Jacinda <laugh>... Yet, the backlash against her is growing and more and more people don't understand the depth of the war we are in.

Please keep sharing Dr - you are appreciated.



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