Just great, Brian. Fighting the right way is just as important as fighting the right war. 

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How can we know what to believe? I was dismayed to read the WORLD magazine article about her book, an interview. I read it through twice and thought about getting it to read but have not. I did not know that your oldest daughter is getting married. Yes! You'll be busy. I hope we get to see some photos. I remember your wedding well, still have the bulletin with the poem.

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Many Christians are ignorant of the spiritual dimension and blindly step into the role as antagonists (whether directly or indirectly). The war has been won and we shouldn’t play the role of templars wandering into the fray. I bear the name of Christ and will follow his lead, bearing a cross from Gabatha to Golgotha, serving as salt and light along the way. That is the tribe to which I belong.

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Nailed it---as usual.

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People like Megan think they're being radical for exposing the queers. Yawn.

Somehow, they also think you're a compromiser if you don't vote for the guy who has no problem at all with the queers, and would be the last guy on the planet to ban their "marriages".

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We certainly need to be truthful on things and I have yet to read her book to assess how truthful she is. I would suggest that Brian do the same before he puts her forward as an example of “untruth”.

I do know there are religious leaders that act as stooges which the left uses for their political ends. Climate change has everything to do about political power and economic control so that is why the left pushes it. Many Christians are ignorant to the political dimension and blindly step into the role as advocates (whether directly or indirectly). We are in a war and we shouldn’t play the role of tribless wander above the fray. I bear the name of Christ and will fight for His cause whether in the church or out of the church. That is the tribe I belong to.

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Thanks for the heads up on Megan. I just read her article in FIRST THINGS.

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding. I have 2 grown girls, 1 married so far. It was an enormously gratifying experience. Enjoy the day. Blessings

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