Aug 12Liked by Brian Mattson

She says what “they” most what to hear; what “they” most want confirmed; and, what “they” see as most obvious.

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Thanks for being a voice of sanity in a crazy world. I can’t believe the way people are buying into this and entrenching themselves further despite the errors.

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Aug 9Liked by Brian Mattson

Brian, I fervently hope you focus all your attention on the wedding. My two daughter's weddings--I can say without reservation--were two of the three great high points of my life. A time to savor and enjoy to the uttermost. Walking them down the aisle was both heartbreaking and superbly joyful (imagine that!) The toast is important, but you are a wordsmith and will have no trouble sorting that out. Thank God for this HUGE blessing: it is a sign to you that though the world around you might go to hell, he is still in control of you, yours, and all surrounding circumstances. Blessings!

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Congratulations! Enjoy the wedding.

A pretty informative take is here


It's funny how for some culture warriors, money influence can only work in one direction. It's almost as if Jesus said "“He who is a hireling for liberals, and not a shepherd, who is not the owner of the sheep, beholds the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them; but hirelings for conservatives are completely trustworthy."

Men with integrity sometimes make mistakes in a squishy direction. But more and more I'm coming to see that men thumping their chest over their conservative bona fides should never be mistake for having automatic integrity.

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Really well said. Unfortunately, all of the people I expected to promote this book, despite it containing all of the flaws one would expect from Basham, did in fact promote it and few if any are backing down. However, despite my low expectations of these people, I was still shocked to see how many have been trying to use this as some sort of dividing line - "If you don't see the obvious truth in this narrative and these particulars, then you're one of them - a progressive/socialist/liberal/communist/woke enemy of the Gospel and of Christ's church." So, this has become one more line or flag for me. If you take stuff like this seriously, I simply cannot take you seriously. And for some of these folks, this is a Titus 3:10 moment.

I'm also with you on Basham the movie reviewer. I never listened to her on the podcast, but she was one of my favorite stops when I used to read World years ago.

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Have not read the book, but seems like it'll be one of the "big deals" for a bit!

So you believe there is no truth or substance to Basham's book? Nothing useful at all and

just one long series of dog whistles?

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See my comment to Bertha, above. 👍 There’s probably some merit, but not by this messenger or by these means.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

Ah OK - got it! Thanks! So noted!

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She's so young! Is she old enough to get married!! You're so positive about your views of this woman's book. Guess I'll read something else. :)

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She’s 21! And, yes, I know misrepresentation when I see it. The sad thing is that the book might’ve even been helpful on its topic, if handled by someone who didn’t start by assuming the conclusion and then forcing the facts to fit. Alas! Yes, try reading Yuval Levin’s American Covenant. I just started it and it’s already a masterpiece!

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I appreciate you talking about this. I was first intrigued when I heard about the book but when I saw how Gavin was unfairly treated, I was grieved . Congratulations on your daughter's wedding!

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