What you wanna bet Tolkien gleaned the idea of the Scouring from Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus? A final, anticlimactic chapter which secretly is really what the whole story is about.

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I enjoyed your poem, Brian. But I have never read any of those books. Pretty ignorant, huh? My pastor will quote or refer to them and everyone in the congregation nods and/or laughs and I am unmoved. I think it's too late for me to remedy it.

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It is never, ever, EVER too late to pick up The Fellowship of the Ring and start reading. You are a reader, too, which means you’ll have no trouble!

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No, no, Brian, I'm just hopeless that way. I just can not seem to follow fantasy. Isn't that what it is called? Am I the only one in the world like that? I'm ready for chapter 3 on this commentary on Ecclesiastes though, give me that? :)

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Haha! Yes, you get credit for that! But have you TRIED Tolkien? If you try and fail, that’s one thing. But to never try at all?

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Okay. I have written down the title you wrote of. The library would have it, I'm sure. I did try one of them, long, long ago and got nowhere. I didn't care about the characters and had a hard time keeping track of which was what. I like real SO much better!!!!

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