No, I reserve action for respinse action. But in a world where there are very few causes I would take up, if anyone tried to separate any of my brothers and sisters in Christ, be they white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise, I would respond proportionally. Use words, and I’ll use words. Don’t, and I won’t either. And the nascent regard for Hitler’s ilk and truly racist ‘kinism’ causes me to fear that we aren’t as far from moving beyond words as I would prefer.
I would rather be rounded up by wicked secular men than see the body of Christ torn asunder by those who claim his name. And if Don Quixote is among my company, I will consider myself in very good company indeed.
If anything will actually make me pick up a gun, it is this nonsense. We’ve won this war twice already, if we have to win it again, so be it.
I never, ever, ever had on my lifetime bingo card, “fight Nazis.” 😳
Me neither, friend.
(Pick up—I already possess numerous that are suitable to the task.)
And exactly what would you do with the gun? Shoot up some MAGA people that are falsely labeled racist by the leftist media?
No, I reserve action for respinse action. But in a world where there are very few causes I would take up, if anyone tried to separate any of my brothers and sisters in Christ, be they white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise, I would respond proportionally. Use words, and I’ll use words. Don’t, and I won’t either. And the nascent regard for Hitler’s ilk and truly racist ‘kinism’ causes me to fear that we aren’t as far from moving beyond words as I would prefer.
When you are rounded up by the left for hate speech then remember your Don Quixote stand against the racist right.
I would rather be rounded up by wicked secular men than see the body of Christ torn asunder by those who claim his name. And if Don Quixote is among my company, I will consider myself in very good company indeed.