Thank you for calling out false teachers, Brian. One of the saddest things to me is how some godly young men who are new to the faith or still a bit weak in the faith will jump on the CN’s bandwagon. It portrays strong, manly men banding together to protect their own, after all. ☹️
I agree entirely with your intended meaning in the expression "hell is not hot enough", but I want to point out something that, strangely, gives me great comfort when dealing those who flaunt the Kingdom and the King. Hell IS hot enough. Perfectly hot enough. May God have mercy.
“Whiteness” wasn’t a thing until it was something used to disparage people of color. People were Irish or French or Russian,etc. not “white”. Whiteness has nothing to celebrate except uniformity in pushing people of color to lower stations for generations, acts in which even the Church has been sadly complicit.
If you followed what is happening today, it is the woke left making the big deal about “whiteness”. They are the ones vilifying white people and putting a guilt trip on our children. One way to push back against this is to stand up for whiteness like the kid attempted to do in the video. I don’t recommend putting racist overtones in the video but rather push the wholesome American values that many hold dear: love of country; affirmation of the family; hard work; love of the Christian church; respect for all people - not just race; a respect of Western Civilization; a repudiation of socialism and communism; repudiation of natzism and dictatorships; affirmation of capitalism; affirmation of our cherished freedoms - religion, speech, assembly, etc.; and appreciation for the many varied peoples that make up the white conglomerate. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t do this but if someone chose to take it on I wouldn’t disparage him.
I think you are overreacting for the racial hatred is coming from the left. The DEI is a religion that seeks to destroy Christianity where they expand on ethnicity to include various groups to include homosexuals, the transgender and much more. Look at how the white youth are being brainwashed to think themselves as the oppressors. Even in my work at a federal government agency they are pushing this nonsense (I just received a email today at work about the new policy) where it clearly comes from the pit of hell. And if you are a conservative or MAGA supporter then you are automatically labeled a racist even if you don’t have a racist bone in you. I took the video as a parody poking fun at this notion of us being racists. Now I don’t know the intent of the author of the video, and I could be mistaken but that is how I took it. “Ok, you think we are racists then I will throw in a collage of images a few racist just to rile you up!” And you took the bait.
Leftist racism is exactly the sugar Nazis use in their poison pill to help it go down smoothly. Some of us are able to fight racism on the Left and the Right, wherever it is found, and it is unfortunate that there are so many with the moral infirmity of turning a blind eye to it when it shows up among their political allies.
As for the parody, “I’m just joking” defense, you should read the links in the article, some of which address that squarely.
You are pushing a big lie that the problem is on the right. Exactly, how many of these racists exist? Under a hundred thousand at most - in the whole USA. When they do their marches they have trouble getting a hundred to join them. And don’t go claiming that MAGA are racists for we aren’t.
*this* problem is on the right. And the whole MAGA crowd may not be racist but they sure give plenty of counter evidence to that. When was America great that they want to return to? I’ll guarantee it’s a time when people of color were more oppressed than they are today.
The irony about Trump is that he promoted all kinds of black actors, black musicians, black sportsmen and women and many others - other races too. The guy isn’t racist but the left fear him so they level this accusation against him to smear him. Sadly, foolish Christians parrot these accusations. They do the same to his supporters who are not racist counter to what you claim. There may exist a handful of racists but they would not receive a welcome. Also, there are some people that the left label as racist who hold non-conventional views who really aren’t racist who are allowed in. For example, standing up for white people and supporting Christian nationalism will quickly get you labeled a KKK grand master even if you hate racism, hate the KKK, and hate nazism. I support white people like I support black people. I also support Christian nationalism. I don’t think our borders should be open to just anyone (Nehemiah would agree) and I support the love of our country. Patriotism is a good thing and putting the citizens first is clearly a biblical concept if you study your bible.
Resisting the temptation to give the sarcastic answer this probably earned, what in the post gives any indication of support for sin? Do you think deliberately mischaracterizing an argument and switching to different ground is in any way a legitimate way to address this?
If you’d like to answer the actual question I asked in the post I’m happy to engage but you should consider that misdirection beneath you.
You fight against the Xerxes who would protect the church, so why should I not wonder where your loyalty lies? I don’t have to answer all your questions (certainly Jesus didn’t) but I will if you request. I think it is less going back to a time as it is taking the positives of the past and promoting those things. The “White People” stand has little to do with the past but is a response to the racist woke rhetoric of today. As Ps 67 reminds us that God loves all nations, so he loves the many nations that make up the white people and racism against any is sin.
No, I reserve action for respinse action. But in a world where there are very few causes I would take up, if anyone tried to separate any of my brothers and sisters in Christ, be they white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise, I would respond proportionally. Use words, and I’ll use words. Don’t, and I won’t either. And the nascent regard for Hitler’s ilk and truly racist ‘kinism’ causes me to fear that we aren’t as far from moving beyond words as I would prefer.
I would rather be rounded up by wicked secular men than see the body of Christ torn asunder by those who claim his name. And if Don Quixote is among my company, I will consider myself in very good company indeed.
Thank you for calling out false teachers, Brian. One of the saddest things to me is how some godly young men who are new to the faith or still a bit weak in the faith will jump on the CN’s bandwagon. It portrays strong, manly men banding together to protect their own, after all. ☹️
I wish any of this surprised me. Lord have mercy. Purge your Bride of this nastiness, Jesus.
I agree entirely with your intended meaning in the expression "hell is not hot enough", but I want to point out something that, strangely, gives me great comfort when dealing those who flaunt the Kingdom and the King. Hell IS hot enough. Perfectly hot enough. May God have mercy.
This needs to be public.
It is.
Oh Brian How you write!
I have no problem celebrating whiteness or blackness, but just don’t disparage the other.
“Whiteness” wasn’t a thing until it was something used to disparage people of color. People were Irish or French or Russian,etc. not “white”. Whiteness has nothing to celebrate except uniformity in pushing people of color to lower stations for generations, acts in which even the Church has been sadly complicit.
If you followed what is happening today, it is the woke left making the big deal about “whiteness”. They are the ones vilifying white people and putting a guilt trip on our children. One way to push back against this is to stand up for whiteness like the kid attempted to do in the video. I don’t recommend putting racist overtones in the video but rather push the wholesome American values that many hold dear: love of country; affirmation of the family; hard work; love of the Christian church; respect for all people - not just race; a respect of Western Civilization; a repudiation of socialism and communism; repudiation of natzism and dictatorships; affirmation of capitalism; affirmation of our cherished freedoms - religion, speech, assembly, etc.; and appreciation for the many varied peoples that make up the white conglomerate. Honestly, I probably wouldn’t do this but if someone chose to take it on I wouldn’t disparage him.
I think you are overreacting for the racial hatred is coming from the left. The DEI is a religion that seeks to destroy Christianity where they expand on ethnicity to include various groups to include homosexuals, the transgender and much more. Look at how the white youth are being brainwashed to think themselves as the oppressors. Even in my work at a federal government agency they are pushing this nonsense (I just received a email today at work about the new policy) where it clearly comes from the pit of hell. And if you are a conservative or MAGA supporter then you are automatically labeled a racist even if you don’t have a racist bone in you. I took the video as a parody poking fun at this notion of us being racists. Now I don’t know the intent of the author of the video, and I could be mistaken but that is how I took it. “Ok, you think we are racists then I will throw in a collage of images a few racist just to rile you up!” And you took the bait.
Leftist racism is exactly the sugar Nazis use in their poison pill to help it go down smoothly. Some of us are able to fight racism on the Left and the Right, wherever it is found, and it is unfortunate that there are so many with the moral infirmity of turning a blind eye to it when it shows up among their political allies.
As for the parody, “I’m just joking” defense, you should read the links in the article, some of which address that squarely.
You are pushing a big lie that the problem is on the right. Exactly, how many of these racists exist? Under a hundred thousand at most - in the whole USA. When they do their marches they have trouble getting a hundred to join them. And don’t go claiming that MAGA are racists for we aren’t.
*this* problem is on the right. And the whole MAGA crowd may not be racist but they sure give plenty of counter evidence to that. When was America great that they want to return to? I’ll guarantee it’s a time when people of color were more oppressed than they are today.
The irony about Trump is that he promoted all kinds of black actors, black musicians, black sportsmen and women and many others - other races too. The guy isn’t racist but the left fear him so they level this accusation against him to smear him. Sadly, foolish Christians parrot these accusations. They do the same to his supporters who are not racist counter to what you claim. There may exist a handful of racists but they would not receive a welcome. Also, there are some people that the left label as racist who hold non-conventional views who really aren’t racist who are allowed in. For example, standing up for white people and supporting Christian nationalism will quickly get you labeled a KKK grand master even if you hate racism, hate the KKK, and hate nazism. I support white people like I support black people. I also support Christian nationalism. I don’t think our borders should be open to just anyone (Nehemiah would agree) and I support the love of our country. Patriotism is a good thing and putting the citizens first is clearly a biblical concept if you study your bible.
So you support homosexuality, transgenderism, and wokeism?
Resisting the temptation to give the sarcastic answer this probably earned, what in the post gives any indication of support for sin? Do you think deliberately mischaracterizing an argument and switching to different ground is in any way a legitimate way to address this?
If you’d like to answer the actual question I asked in the post I’m happy to engage but you should consider that misdirection beneath you.
You fight against the Xerxes who would protect the church, so why should I not wonder where your loyalty lies? I don’t have to answer all your questions (certainly Jesus didn’t) but I will if you request. I think it is less going back to a time as it is taking the positives of the past and promoting those things. The “White People” stand has little to do with the past but is a response to the racist woke rhetoric of today. As Ps 67 reminds us that God loves all nations, so he loves the many nations that make up the white people and racism against any is sin.
If anything will actually make me pick up a gun, it is this nonsense. We’ve won this war twice already, if we have to win it again, so be it.
I never, ever, ever had on my lifetime bingo card, “fight Nazis.” 😳
Me neither, friend.
(Pick up—I already possess numerous that are suitable to the task.)
And exactly what would you do with the gun? Shoot up some MAGA people that are falsely labeled racist by the leftist media?
No, I reserve action for respinse action. But in a world where there are very few causes I would take up, if anyone tried to separate any of my brothers and sisters in Christ, be they white, black, Hispanic, Asian, or otherwise, I would respond proportionally. Use words, and I’ll use words. Don’t, and I won’t either. And the nascent regard for Hitler’s ilk and truly racist ‘kinism’ causes me to fear that we aren’t as far from moving beyond words as I would prefer.
When you are rounded up by the left for hate speech then remember your Don Quixote stand against the racist right.
I would rather be rounded up by wicked secular men than see the body of Christ torn asunder by those who claim his name. And if Don Quixote is among my company, I will consider myself in very good company indeed.
Bravo, Brian. In the Jesusian spirit of Matthew 23.